iPhone Weekend Warrior: new hardware, tons more software

iPhone Weekend Warrior - Image 1Perhaps taking a step back to save the big bombs for E3, the week’s recap seems to have slowed down considerably. We do, however, still have a roundup of iPod Touch, iPhone games for you to check out. You might want to read up on the rumored iPod Nano as well, because the new model is said to be equipped with a camera. Catch all that in this week’s iPhone Weekend Warrior.

iPhone Weekend Warrior - Image 1

Perhaps taking a step back to save the big bombs for E3, the week’s recap seems to have slowed down considerably. We do, however, still have a roundup of iPod Touch, iPhone games for you to check out. You might want to read up on the rumored iPod Nano as well, because the new model is said to be equipped with a camera. Catch all that in this week’s iPhone Weekend Warrior.

iPod Touch, iPhone games:

  • Doom Classic – Because some games are just worth playing over and over.
  • iLode Runner – An unofficial remake of the Apple II original, a.k.a. pull-down bait.
  • Beershooter – They’re thirsty, and you have the high-tech descendant of the keg.
  • Sims 3 – The iPhone version for EA’s gibberish-talking Sims now has a gameplay vid.
  • Car Jack Streets – The street-heisting game gets a limited-time price cut.
  • ZenoniaGamevil brings the top-selling mobile game from Korea to the App Store.

New iPod Nano to have a camera?

Yes, you read that right. Sources close to Apple reveal that the newest version of the iPod Nano series is going to have what most mobile phones and few media players have – a camera. But the new models aren’t to come until three new iPhone models do, so it’ll be quite a long wait before there guys come out – IF the info is legit that is. Link

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