“Isle Story” – A Tale From Everquest II


This has been a busy week for Everquest II fan artists in all forms of art. Not only has this game inspired a filmmaker and an interior decorator, but a writer as well. Sit back, then, and enjoy “An Island Story” by EQII fan author Ranbinous:

It was a cool night on the Queen’s Colony. Most people were sitting around a fire, or just setting up camp in a safe spot to get rest they rarely ever got on this isle. Everyone but one man, Merlik, was ready to fall asleep. This wzard had a different plan. He was going to kill The Guurok. It was a hard task, done by none. He would be the first. He had studdied his spells all day. Yesterday, he was killing the cursed skeletons for their skulls. He had six. He hoped it was enough.

“I only hope my spells are strong enough,” Merlik was saying to hiself. He was sitting near Grexx. The goblin had been nice enough to give him some food. It didn’t look too good. Merlik didn’t even know what it was. It didn’t smell to good, either. The wizard pulled a loaf of bread from a pouch he had in his robes, and started to chew. “This isn’t the tastiest bread, but it does stop your hunger.” Merlik whispered softly to himself, and he headed down to The Guurok.

Merlik approached the huge blob, a skull in his hand. He threw the skull, and it hit The Guurok..somewhere. He threw five more, and this slime was mad. He ate the skulls before he attacked, but before he could move, Merlik cast a spell to root him in his place. Then, he chanted a few words, and lighting burst into the blob. He chanted more, and fire now engulfed the thing. It screamed in pain. Merlik made a bit of a motion, and more fire smacked into The Guurok.

The blob was free, and it was angry. It sort of screached, as frost took him over, and he froze. Merlik chanted one more time, and lightning burst from the wizard’s hand, and struck The Guurok, and he fell, screaching in pain. He was even bigger as a pool. Merlik was covered in slime. He saw something glowing; a magical item, most likely. He reached down, picked it up, and it was an an earring. Next to it, was a..”No..” Merlik whispered in awe. “It is! The spell scroll I’ve been searching for! Hah! Nothing will be able to defeat me! Hah!” The wizard screamed with glee, and ran. He ran to the boat that would take him to Qeynos. The boat that would make more dreams come true.

Via EQ II Forums


This has been a busy week for Everquest II fan artists in all forms of art. Not only has this game inspired a filmmaker and an interior decorator, but a writer as well. Sit back, then, and enjoy “An Island Story” by EQII fan author Ranbinous:

It was a cool night on the Queen’s Colony. Most people were sitting around a fire, or just setting up camp in a safe spot to get rest they rarely ever got on this isle. Everyone but one man, Merlik, was ready to fall asleep. This wzard had a different plan. He was going to kill The Guurok. It was a hard task, done by none. He would be the first. He had studdied his spells all day. Yesterday, he was killing the cursed skeletons for their skulls. He had six. He hoped it was enough.

“I only hope my spells are strong enough,” Merlik was saying to hiself. He was sitting near Grexx. The goblin had been nice enough to give him some food. It didn’t look too good. Merlik didn’t even know what it was. It didn’t smell to good, either. The wizard pulled a loaf of bread from a pouch he had in his robes, and started to chew. “This isn’t the tastiest bread, but it does stop your hunger.” Merlik whispered softly to himself, and he headed down to The Guurok.

Merlik approached the huge blob, a skull in his hand. He threw the skull, and it hit The Guurok..somewhere. He threw five more, and this slime was mad. He ate the skulls before he attacked, but before he could move, Merlik cast a spell to root him in his place. Then, he chanted a few words, and lighting burst into the blob. He chanted more, and fire now engulfed the thing. It screamed in pain. Merlik made a bit of a motion, and more fire smacked into The Guurok.

The blob was free, and it was angry. It sort of screached, as frost took him over, and he froze. Merlik chanted one more time, and lightning burst from the wizard’s hand, and struck The Guurok, and he fell, screaching in pain. He was even bigger as a pool. Merlik was covered in slime. He saw something glowing; a magical item, most likely. He reached down, picked it up, and it was an an earring. Next to it, was a..”No..” Merlik whispered in awe. “It is! The spell scroll I’ve been searching for! Hah! Nothing will be able to defeat me! Hah!” The wizard screamed with glee, and ran. He ran to the boat that would take him to Qeynos. The boat that would make more dreams come true.

Via EQ II Forums

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