Jack Thompson links violent video games and Omaha mall tragedy
After accusing the Department of Defense and the gaming industry of having a hidden motive, Jack Thompson has drawn a link between what he believes as a correlation between video games and the Omaha Westroads Mall traged. To prove his point, he requested Omaha police to let him check what violent video games are stored in the killer’s computer, which was promptly refused. Because of the refusal, Thompson has filed a lawsuit against the Omaha police. More details in the full article.
Shortly after Jack Thompson‘s recent allegations between the purported links between Department of Defense and the gaming industry, Thompson has jumped to Omaha, Nebraska in the wake of the Westroads Mall tragedy, where Robert Hawkins killed eight people and committed suicide.
Thompson attempted to inquire about what was stored in Hawkin’s computer, to check if violent video games were installed, in order to prove his theory about the correlation of video games and violence. However, Omaha Police Chief Thomas Warren refused Thompson’s request to check the computer. The police have commented that the contents of the hard drive are not a matter of public record.
Because of the refusal, Thompson has filed a lawsuit against Warren. “These games are actually rehearsal devices that teach techniques and scenarios and methodologies on how to kill that they wouldn’t otherwise have,” the Florida attorney said.
Via Game Politics