Japan drops ban on resale of used video games and other electronics
After a long feud between merchants and the JTM (Japanese Trade Ministry), the JTM has chosen to do away with a law restricting the sale of used merchandise such as TV’s, video games, and counsels that were made prior to 2001 and didn’t meet current Japanese safety regulations. Of course the JTM couldn’t loose face so merchants won’t be selling patrons anything rather sales will be made under fake rental agreements. Merchants will write up each transaction as rented property only patrons will never have to return the items. However don’t expect a 30 days same a cash guarantee otherwise you may end up owing the merchant once he calculates his late fees.
After a long feud between merchants and the JTM (Japanese Trade Ministry), the JTM has chosen to do away with a law restricting the sale of used merchandise such as TV’s, video games, and counsels that were made prior to 2001 and didn’t meet current Japanese safety regulations. Of course the JTM couldn’t loose face so merchants won’t be selling patrons anything rather sales will be made under fake rental agreements. Merchants will write up each transaction as rented property only patrons will never have to return the items. However don’t expect a 30 days same a cash guarantee otherwise you may end up owing the merchant once he calculates his late fees.