Japan: hardware sales from January 14 to 20

Media Create: Hardware sales for Japan, DS and Wii lead - Image 1Wii Fit led the pack in software sales in Japan for the week ending on January 20. In fact, the first four places in the chart were dominated by Nintendo games for the Wii and DS so it comes to no surprise that the DS and the Wii once again lead sales in Japan for the same week. Check out the full article for the hardware sales figure in Japan for the week ending on January 20.

Media Create: Hardware sales for Japan, DS and Wii lead - Image 1

For the week of January 14 to 20, Nintendo led the rest of the pack in software sales in Japan. Wii and DS games dominated the first four places in the chart, and 16 of the top 30 games are Nintendo DS games.

With that in mind, it’s really comes to no surprise that the Nintendo platforms – the DS and the Wii – once again lead the pack for the same week. Understandably, sales have gone down for all platforms since the holiday season.

Here are the hardware sales numbers for Japan for the week ending on January 20:

  • DS Lite – 88,575
  • Wii – 81,638
  • PSP – 79,923
  • PS3 – 38,117
  • PS2 – 13,539
  • Xbox 360 – 4,552

Via Media Create

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