Japanese FFT: The Lion War scans: English only fans weep
The opportunistic and reliable folks from GameBrink were able to obtain a nice batch of Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War related images. Some of the stuff below are scans of the box art and some promotional material. Unfortunately we can’t read Japanese, so we honestly can’t tell if there’s anything revealing in there. But we’re pretty sure that a lot of you folks are dedicated enough Square Enix fans to work something out given the raw info. The scans are below. Enjoy!
Check out more scans of Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War by clicking on ‘Full Article’!
The opportunistic and reliable folks from GameBrink were able to obtain a nice batch of Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War related images. Some of the stuff below are scans of the box art and some promotional material. Unfortunately we can’t read Japanese, so we honestly can’t tell if there’s anything revealing in there. But we’re pretty sure that a lot of you folks are dedicated enough Square Enix fans to work something out given the raw info. The scans are below. Enjoy!
For one thing that graph with the words FF, FFT and FFTA look particularly interesting. If only it all didn’t look like chicken scratches! My inner non-Japanese reading, PlayStation Portable playing, Squeenix fanboy weeps.
Via GameBrink