Japanese gaming habits online

Wii - Image 1Japanese gamers are online most of the time, it would seem. In a survey that polled the online habits of gamers in Japan, 3 out of  4 gamers have their consoles online 24/7; during the survey, even, only 4 percent said that they weren’t online.

Almost 9 out of every 10 gamers use the networking feature of their console. 26 percent of them use their networking feature on Nintendo DS, followed closely by the Wii, with almost 20 percent players networking with this console. Other consoles that are  used with the networking feature are: Sony PSP 18 percent, with the Playstation 2 and the Playstation 3 tied at 13 percent.

Most Japanese gamers use their consoles’ networking feature for online gaming (22 percent), with the other services used as follows: demos at 16 percent, both bonuses for games and game news at 15 percent, no gaming related content at 14.9 percent, internet at 12 percent and the remaining 4 percent use their networking feature for e-mail.

When it comes to networking services, meanwhile, 60 out of a hundred Japanese gamers are involved with it, with 43.5 percent of them involved in online gaming, and 39 percent of these online gamers use the Xbox 360 platform.

It seems that the Japanese culture of maintaining tight social ties still prevails when it comes to their gaming habits.

Via Next-gen

Wii - Image 1Japanese gamers are online most of the time, it would seem. In a survey that polled the online habits of gamers in Japan, 3 out of  4 gamers have their consoles online 24/7; during the survey, even, only 4 percent said that they weren’t online.

Almost 9 out of every 10 gamers use the networking feature of their console. 26 percent of them use their networking feature on Nintendo DS, followed closely by the Wii, with almost 20 percent players networking with this console. Other consoles that are  used with the networking feature are: Sony PSP 18 percent, with the Playstation 2 and the Playstation 3 tied at 13 percent.

Most Japanese gamers use their consoles’ networking feature for online gaming (22 percent), with the other services used as follows: demos at 16 percent, both bonuses for games and game news at 15 percent, no gaming related content at 14.9 percent, internet at 12 percent and the remaining 4 percent use their networking feature for e-mail.

When it comes to networking services, meanwhile, 60 out of a hundred Japanese gamers are involved with it, with 43.5 percent of them involved in online gaming, and 39 percent of these online gamers use the Xbox 360 platform.

It seems that the Japanese culture of maintaining tight social ties still prevails when it comes to their gaming habits.

Via Next-gen

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