Jay Leno portrait gag outs George Bush as a gamer

Jay Leno Portrait Spoof Hands Bush a 360 Controller - Image 1I can’t believe I’m writing about news from Jay Leno’s tiring comedy routine, much less a shot at George Bush (like shooting fish out of a barrel), but it’s a slow news day so what the hell.

Ever wonder what Bush does in his spare time?

Japan - PSP sales surge thanks to Dissidia: Final Fantasy - Image 1I can’t believe I’m writing about news from Jay Leno’s tiring comedy routine, much less a shot at George Bush (like shooting fish out of a barrel), but it’s a slow news day so what the hell.

In a recent episode, Jay Leno did a little Photoshopping gag on President Bush’s official portrait at the National Portrait Gallery, placing an Xbox 360 controller in his hands.

Kinda a jab at gamers, but it’s still funny. Take it as evidence that violent games really do make gamers violent. Anyway, you can watch a vid of the gag at Kotaku after the source link.

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Via Kotaku

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