Just the facts about Everquest II: Rise of Kunark
Good news for everyone still itching for a bigger EverQuest II fix: the fourth expansion, titled the Rise of Kunark, has already been announced by Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) LLC. Pencilled in for a November 13 release, the upcoming expansion promises to have a TON of new features that’ll have both newbies and veterans scrambling for more.
The fourth expansion, Rise of Kunark, introduces a new race into the mix: the half-human, half-dragon Sarnak race. Playing as one of the Sarnak starts you off in the race’s homeland, Timorous Deep, a newly-developed starting location that offers a lot of content for players leveled 1-20.
It’s to note that Timorous Deep is but one of the many new zones being made that’s actually based on popular gameplay areas of the original Everquest, as well as other locales such as KarnorÂ’s Castle, the Lake of Ill Omen, Sebilis, and VeeshanÂ’s Peak.
How about the veterans? Fret not, the expansion’s got love for the experienced ones as well! The level caps for guilds, adventures, and artisans have all been significantly raised in this expansion, all up to 80. There’s also a mount’s load of new content to get you to those levels, whether you’re going solo, or in a group, or participating in a raid.
Think that’s all the expansion has to offer? Think again, as that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Class Epic Weapon quests for all classes, a new mount called the Kunarkian Rhino – fulfilling all your stampede needs – and a whole lot more is included in the Rise of Kunark, we’d probably bore you trying to enumerate them all (yes, they’re THAT many).
So don’t miss out on the Rise of Kunark, available soon for retail and download for a mere pittance of US$ 39.99.
Good news for everyone still itching for a bigger EverQuest II fix: the fourth expansion, titled the Rise of Kunark, has already been announced by Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) LLC. Pencilled in for a November 13 release, the upcoming expansion promises to have a TON of new features that’ll have both newbies and veterans scrambling for more.
The fourth expansion, Rise of Kunark, introduces a new race into the mix: the half-human, half-dragon Sarnak race. Playing as one of the Sarnak starts you off in the race’s homeland, Timorous Deep, a newly-developed starting location that offers a lot of content for players leveled 1-20.
It’s to note that Timorous Deep is but one of the many new zones being made that’s actually based on popular gameplay areas of the original Everquest, as well as other locales such as KarnorÂ’s Castle, the Lake of Ill Omen, Sebilis, and VeeshanÂ’s Peak.
How about the veterans? Fret not, the expansion’s got love for the experienced ones as well! The level caps for guilds, adventures, and artisans have all been significantly raised in this expansion, all up to 80. There’s also a mount’s load of new content to get you to those levels, whether you’re going solo, or in a group, or participating in a raid.
Think that’s all the expansion has to offer? Think again, as that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Class Epic Weapon quests for all classes, a new mount called the Kunarkian Rhino – fulfilling all your stampede needs – and a whole lot more is included in the Rise of Kunark, we’d probably bore you trying to enumerate them all (yes, they’re THAT many).
So don’t miss out on the Rise of Kunark, available soon for retail and download for a mere pittance of US$ 39.99.