Kane & Lynch: Dead Men interview: “Go there, do that, kill them for me…”

In this Gamespot interview about IO Interactive‘s Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, we get to see how the game director designed the various aspects of their now-multiplatform (Xbox 360, PS3, PC) action title. Looks like the devs really put in a lot to make the game as “player-absorbing” as it should be.

The game mechanics are described by it being an intuitive system, especially with moving them around. In the dev’s words, “It’s no planning, it’s just ‘Go there, do that, kill them for me, get me some cover,’ It’s all on one-button clicks.” And whether you want to play the game using whatever strategies you can implement or just go at it head-on with all the brawn and fire-power you’ve got, the game modes can compensate for your different playing styles.

About weapons, you’ll only be allowed to carry a certain amount. “Like a rifle, and a gun; and then he has two cans, that can be tear gas or smoke… But you kinda want more weapons when you get out there… but you can kinda stash it on your guys…” Hmmm… Looks like there’s a bit of micromanagement on the side too.

You can watch the full interview in the YouTube embed below:

In this Gamespot interview about IO Interactive‘s Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, we get to see how the game director designed the various aspects of their now-multiplatform (Xbox 360, PS3, PC) action title. Looks like the devs really put in a lot to make the game as “player-absorbing” as it should be.

The game mechanics are described by it being an intuitive system, especially with moving them around. In the dev’s words, “It’s no planning, it’s just ‘Go there, do that, kill them for me, get me some cover,’ It’s all on one-button clicks.” And whether you want to play the game using whatever strategies you can implement or just go at it head-on with all the brawn and fire-power you’ve got, the game modes can compensate for your different playing styles.

About weapons, you’ll only be allowed to carry a certain amount. “Like a rifle, and a gun; and then he has two cans, that can be tear gas or smoke… But you kinda want more weapons when you get out there… but you can kinda stash it on your guys…” Hmmm… Looks like there’s a bit of micromanagement on the side too.

You can watch the full interview in the YouTube embed below:

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