KFWFlasher AIO Mod with extras

PSP homebrew developer KIWIDOGGIE passed by our forums recently to tell us about his released app for the PSP, KFWFlasher AIO Mod. It’s a fully remade of KFWFlasher and he mentions that his work on the app isn’t complete yet, but it could already do the following stuff for you:

  • Flash Gameboots(no MB limit)
  • Backup Your Current Gameboot
  • Backup Your Flash 0
  • Tell You How to Use It

Since the app doesn’t come with a readme file, you’d have to launch the program and go to help for you to get the instructions to use this. Also, be warned that this writes and reads from and to the flash, which means that there is a small chance of bricking your PSP. The dev won’t be responsible for that, so to avoid any inconvenience, be sure to check out and understand that how-to. So far, he says that this works on firmwares 1.00, 1.50. 2.71, 2.71SE, and 3.xOE-X.

He even hooked us up with a video of the app which could give you a general idea of what it looks like. Anyhow, the video and the download link is down there, be sure to check them out and tell us what you think.

Download: [KFWFlasher AIO Mod With Extras]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

PSP homebrew developer KIWIDOGGIE passed by our forums recently to tell us about his released app for the PSP, KFWFlasher AIO Mod. It’s a fully remade of KFWFlasher and he mentions that his work on the app isn’t complete yet, but it could already do the following stuff for you:

  • Flash Gameboots(no MB limit)
  • Backup Your Current Gameboot
  • Backup Your Flash 0
  • Tell You How to Use It

Since the app doesn’t come with a readme file, you’d have to launch the program and go to help for you to get the instructions to use this. Also, be warned that this writes and reads from and to the flash, which means that there is a small chance of bricking your PSP. The dev won’t be responsible for that, so to avoid any inconvenience, be sure to check out and understand that how-to. So far, he says that this works on firmwares 1.00, 1.50. 2.71, 2.71SE, and 3.xOE-X.

He even hooked us up with a video of the app which could give you a general idea of what it looks like. Anyhow, the video and the download link is down there, be sure to check them out and tell us what you think.

Download: [KFWFlasher AIO Mod With Extras]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

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