Kodak Racking up Awards with EASYSHARE V570
Rica wrote about the Dual Lens V570 from Kodak yesterday (in case you missed it), and it sounds like a pretty ingenious idea. Two lenses, one for wide-angle, and the other for zoom features. Something for everyone, and in a pocket-sized point & shoot no less. Well apparently it’s not just us at QJ Photography who think Kodak’s got something special on their hands.
Kodak announced that the new camera design has already garnered 10 awards for design and ingenuity. Where I come from, 10 awards for a bran-spankin-new product is nothing to be scoffed at. Most recently, CHIP magazine (a German PC and Technology magazine) awarded it with ‘best and most innovative new product’ to come out of CeBIT this year. My, my, my! If you haven’t seen or heard about this camera yet, don’t you think it’s time you checked it out so you’re not embarrassed around the water-cooler?
Rica wrote about the Dual Lens V570 from Kodak yesterday (in case you missed it), and it sounds like a pretty ingenious idea. Two lenses, one for wide-angle, and the other for zoom features. Something for everyone, and in a pocket-sized point & shoot no less. Well apparently it’s not just us at QJ Photography who think Kodak’s got something special on their hands.
Kodak announced that the new camera design has already garnered 10 awards for design and ingenuity. Where I come from, 10 awards for a bran-spankin-new product is nothing to be scoffed at. Most recently, CHIP magazine (a German PC and Technology magazine) awarded it with ‘best and most innovative new product’ to come out of CeBIT this year. My, my, my! If you haven’t seen or heard about this camera yet, don’t you think it’s time you checked it out so you’re not embarrassed around the water-cooler?