Konami: We expect MGS: Peace Walker to sell 3 million worldwide
June 25, 2010
Maybe you can help make this happen. Konami CEO Fumiaka Tanaka has said that they actually expect 3 million in sales for Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. That’s worldwide.
Maybe you can help make this happen. Konami CEO Fumiaka Tanaka has said that they actually expect 3 million in sales for Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. That’s worldwide.
He said in an interview with Nikkei BP, “We’re targeting more than 3 million copies worldwide. In Japan, since released on April 29, sales figures have been favourable.” He hopes that this positive movement will continue throughout the other regions.
There’s a new DLC just released too. That’s definitely another reason to play MGS: Peace Walker.
Via [Andriasang]
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