Latest info on the Unreal Tournament 3 single player
Developed by Epic Games and published by Midway Games, Unreal Tournament 3 has slowly been coming to view as the countdown to its release continues. When it was announced in 2005 under the name Unreal Tournament 2007, it was only to be released for the PC and the PS3. However, on January 25, 2006 they renamed the game to Unreal Tournament 3 and announced an additional platform they were going to release it on: the Xbox 360.
It seems that the people at Epic never run out of surprises. In a recent interview, the people at Epic have been giving out tidbits of information regarding their single player mode of the 360 version.
- The game will have a good 12 weapons and 15 vehicles which will be unlocked throughout the 40 maps in single player.
- Voice control for AI units. (The difference from UT 2004? As Jeff Morrison from Epic said “Only that it works perfectly this time around)
- They will have Co-op play for single player missions although the number of players is yet undecided.
With all this new information, we at QJ are looking forward to the release of this game. Will it be all it’s been hyped up to be, or will join the ranks of the defeated? More news as it happens.
Developed by Epic Games and published by Midway Games, Unreal Tournament 3 has slowly been coming to view as the countdown to its release continues. When it was announced in 2005 under the name Unreal Tournament 2007, it was only to be released for the PC and the PS3. However, on January 25, 2006 they renamed the game to Unreal Tournament 3 and announced an additional platform they were going to release it on: the Xbox 360.
It seems that the people at Epic never run out of surprises. In a recent interview, the people at Epic have been giving out tidbits of information regarding their single player mode of the 360 version.
- The game will have a good 12 weapons and 15 vehicles which will be unlocked throughout the 40 maps in single player.
- Voice control for AI units. (The difference from UT 2004? As Jeff Morrison from Epic said “Only that it works perfectly this time around)
- They will have Co-op play for single player missions although the number of players is yet undecided.
With all this new information, we at QJ are looking forward to the release of this game. Will it be all it’s been hyped up to be, or will join the ranks of the defeated? More news as it happens.