LEGO Star Wars II PSP Preview Video

If the gameplay video we’ve observed is any indicator, apparently one of the new things Traveler’s Tales is throwing into LEGO Star Wars II for the PSP is LEGO Star Wars I. Yep. If you’ve played the last game of LEGO blocks thrown into a galaxy far, far away, you’d recognize the clip as the mission where Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan go medieval – er, Old Republic – on Darth Maul’s behind.

Wait - wasn't this from the prequel? (screencap from! Khaaaaaan!... oops, wrong space flick. (screencap from

Does this mean that the entire LEGO Star Wars saga is playable on the PSP (or is it just Episode I as seen in the video)? We don’t have anything specific on this yet (suspicions are it’s a secret level, just like Episode IV was in the first LEGO Star Wars), but if we find out anything new, we’ll pass on the news to you. Right now, we’re guessing it’s the real deal, because of the width of the screen, and the load time between the FMV clip and the gameplay clip, one of the hangups of the PSP version.

Another new feature thrown into the game is a timed “challenge mode” playthrough of completed story missions. The challenge is to locate the LEGO pieces of the characters from the previous LEGO Star Wars outing before time runs out. We don’t know how that fits with the possibility that at least Episode I (or even the entire prequel trilogy) is playable in the game – we gotta wait until the game’s release (or they decide to release more details). Anyway – the visuals look comparable to the PS2 version, and boasts a pretty respectable frame rate. Again, there is that load time hangup, and a few awkward camera angles, but nevertheless it’s starting to look like a solid PSP title.

Download: [LEGO Star Wars II (PSP) Gameplay Preview]

If the gameplay video we’ve observed is any indicator, apparently one of the new things Traveler’s Tales is throwing into LEGO Star Wars II for the PSP is LEGO Star Wars I. Yep. If you’ve played the last game of LEGO blocks thrown into a galaxy far, far away, you’d recognize the clip as the mission where Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan go medieval – er, Old Republic – on Darth Maul’s behind.

Wait - wasn't this from the prequel? (screencap from! Khaaaaaan!... oops, wrong space flick. (screencap from

Does this mean that the entire LEGO Star Wars saga is playable on the PSP (or is it just Episode I as seen in the video)? We don’t have anything specific on this yet (suspicions are it’s a secret level, just like Episode IV was in the first LEGO Star Wars), but if we find out anything new, we’ll pass on the news to you. Right now, we’re guessing it’s the real deal, because of the width of the screen, and the load time between the FMV clip and the gameplay clip, one of the hangups of the PSP version.

Another new feature thrown into the game is a timed “challenge mode” playthrough of completed story missions. The challenge is to locate the LEGO pieces of the characters from the previous LEGO Star Wars outing before time runs out. We don’t know how that fits with the possibility that at least Episode I (or even the entire prequel trilogy) is playable in the game – we gotta wait until the game’s release (or they decide to release more details). Anyway – the visuals look comparable to the PS2 version, and boasts a pretty respectable frame rate. Again, there is that load time hangup, and a few awkward camera angles, but nevertheless it’s starting to look like a solid PSP title.

Download: [LEGO Star Wars II (PSP) Gameplay Preview]

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