Lexar 4GB MSPD PLATINUM II going for US$ 35

FRYS.com has further lowered the price of their Lexar 4GB Memory Stick Pro Duo, knocking US$ 5 off the previous after-rebate price of US$ 39.99. Those of you looking for a new memory stick can get one now for US$ 34.99. Judging by the screenshot below, that’s the actual price. No rebates needed this time. Then again, I never could understand the whole rebate thing.

FRYS.com: Lexar 4GB MSPD for 35 bucks - Image 1

Opinions are divided among PSP owners as to how reliable Lexar’s memory sticks are. Now, I personally haven’t used a Lexar before since I’m still using an old SanDisk, but if you need second opinions before you buy one, drop by our PSP forums and ask around.

Via FRYS.com

FRYS.com has further lowered the price of their Lexar 4GB Memory Stick Pro Duo, knocking US$ 5 off the previous after-rebate price of US$ 39.99. Those of you looking for a new memory stick can get one now for US$ 34.99. Judging by the screenshot below, that’s the actual price. No rebates needed this time. Then again, I never could understand the whole rebate thing.

FRYS.com: Lexar 4GB MSPD for 35 bucks - Image 1

Opinions are divided among PSP owners as to how reliable Lexar’s memory sticks are. Now, I personally haven’t used a Lexar before since I’m still using an old SanDisk, but if you need second opinions before you buy one, drop by our PSP forums and ask around.

Via FRYS.com

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