LibOSK 0.4.4: configurable on-screen keyboard for Wiibrew apps
Here’s a new development tool for Wiibrew developers. Called LibOSK, it’s an on-screen keyboard for applications written using libwiisprite. A demo is included along with the download for easy reference. More details about the LibOSK in the full article.
Download: LibOSK v0.4.4
Wiibrew stalwart Beardface – author of EasyIOS – has released LibOSK. This new dev tool provides an on-screen keyboard to applications written using libwiisprite. LibOSK itself is written from the libmxml, libwiisprite, and libfat libraries.
LibOSK is completely configurable via a config file. You can configure the images, font, and even the language that appears on screen. A demo application is included in the download for easy reference on how to use the tool.
To download the latest libwiisprite library, you can follow this link. Please read the documentation included in the download archive for further information.
Download: LibOSK v0.4.4