libwiisprite v0.3.0a: reference pixel system, speedups, more
Heads up, Wiibrewers! libwiisprite, the popular Wiibrew sprite library, has received a new update from its authors, Chaosteil and Feesh! This update receives the new reference pixel system, which allows you to rotate and scale a sprite around a specific point. More details in the full article.
Download: libwiisprite v0.3.0a
Wiibrew developers Chaosteil and Feesh! have released new updates for their rather popular sprite library, libwiisprite. The library is now on version 0.3.0a, which is being oiled up for use with one of Chaosteil’s ongoing projects, Galaxy Stations.
libwiisprite now has a new reference pixel system that allows you to tack a specific point on a sprite, and rotate and scale that sprite around that point. The library now also has a new method called DestroyImage() which allows to you reload the image.
Be sure to read the documentation included in the download for more information. Here’s the changelog for libwiisprite since v0.2.2:
- Fixed an initializing bug when using a drawable image.
0.3.0 – This is a release in preparation for Galaxy Stations. Enjoy!
- Added a reference pixel system. It allows to rotate and scale a sprite around a specific point on itself. Check the documentation how to use it. The spritetest example also has a little example on it.
- Fixed a huge memory leak when loading an image which was in every previous version. Upgrading is recommended.
- Several speedups which can increase the speed of the library when drawing Sprites and TiledLayers, or even assigning Images.
- All possible png files can now be loaded.
- Image has now a “DestroyImage()” method to allow to reload the image after that.
Download: libwiisprite v0.3.0a
More development tools for Wiibrewers:
- libwiisprite 0.2.2 – supports buffer loading
- Box2D for the Wii: 2D physics engine, with sample program
- GRRLib 3.0.1 Alpha – added fixes for bugs from version 3.0
- Wiibrew: Lua for Wii v5.1.3