List of game-exclusives for each next-gen console
Even though all the consoles generally have a few killer games, the real meat is in the console exclusives. It’s the reason people buy a specific console. It happened in the past generations, and it will keep on happening. While it might be frustrating to people who don’t have that specific console, that’s just the way it works. And we wouldn’t have to think for more than a second to remember a few of them on each console. The Xbox and Xbox 360 have had the magic of Halo, while the PlayStation, among other games, has had GTA as an exclusive (until the PS2), and when we talk about Nintendo consoles, we can never forget Mario and his friends.
We’re sure everyone will be curious to know what are the exclusives for each next-gen console. Thankfully, the guys over at Siliconera have prepared a huge list of all the exclusives for each console. Firstly, here’s a small list for each console. These are just some of the first-party exclusives which will be developed/published by Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo respectively.
The full list awaits after the jump!
Even though all the consoles generally have a few killer games, the real meat is in the console exclusives. It’s the reason people buy a specific console. It happened in the past generations, and it will keep on happening. While it might be frustrating to people who don’t have that specific console, that’s just the way it works. And we wouldn’t have to think for more than a second to remember a few of them on each console. The Xbox and Xbox 360 have had the magic of Halo, while the PlayStation, among other games, has had GTA as an exclusive (until the PS2), and when we talk about Nintendo consoles, we can never forget Mario and his friends.
We’re sure everyone will be curious to know what are the exclusives for each next-gen console. Thankfully, the guys over at Siliconera have prepared a huge list of all the exclusives for each console. Firstly, here’s a small list for each console. These are just some of the first-party exclusives which will be developed/published by Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo respectively. For the full list for each console, make your way to Siliconera using the relevant links below.
Xbox 360:
Alan Wake
Fable 2
Forza Motorsport 2
Gears of War
Halo 3
Halo Wars
Mass Effect
Ninety-Nine Nights
Perfect Dark Zero
Project Gotham Racing 3
Project Gotham Racing 4
Too Human
Viva Piñata
Xbox Live Arcade Unplugged Volume 1
AfrikaEight Days
Formula One 06
Genji: Days of the Blade
Gran Turismo HD
Heavenly Sword
Monster Kingdom: Unknown Realms
Resistance: Fall of Man
The Eye of Judgement
White Knight Story
Battalion Wars 2
Disaster: Day of Crisis
Excite Truck
Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn
Forever Blue
Hajimete no Wii: Your First Step To Wii
Mario Strikers Charged
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Pokemon Battle Revolution
Project H.A.M.M.E.R.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Mario Galaxy
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
Wii Motor Sports Airplane
Wii Sports
What’s important is the fact that Microsoft has the largest number of exclusives standing at 48 currently, while Sony has 35 and Nintendo has 38. Although that number might increase in the future, what’s worrisome for Sony is that currently, only 9 third-party developers are making exclusives for the PS3, while the Xbox 360 has 15 third party developers developing exclusives for it. Nintendo is sharing the top-spot here with Microsoft, having 15 third-party developers developing exclusives for them.
Although this might all sound confusing, the fact is that Sony is trailing both Nintendo and Microsoft when it comes to games. Will it be different in the future? Probably. But it’s still something to consider. Stay tuned for the latest!