LittleBigJacko struts his stuff
LittleBigPlanet has a new king – LittleBigMichaelJackson, or as I would rather call him: Sacko. Watch as ol’ Sackboy here struts his stuff and gets down to the beat of two of Jacko’s biggest hits – Beat It, and Thriller. This has to be the best Sackboy anything that I’ve posted, hands down to Harold Vancol who put this up on YouTube!
LittleBigPlanet has a new king – LittleBigMichaelJackson, or as I would rather call him: Sacko. Watch as ol’ Sackboy here struts his stuff and gets down to the beat of two of Jacko’s biggest hits – Beat It, and Thriller. This has to be the best Sackboy anything that I’ve posted, hands down to Harold Vancol who put this up on YouTube!
I couldn’t keep myself from smiling and laughing as I watched the little guy dancing, with backup dancers to boot! The adorable sack doll from Media Molecule sure can dance. Anyway, I’m sure you’re itching to see what the heck I’ve been babbling about, go on then.
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