LittleBigPlanet finally arriving tomorrow?
After its controversial worldwide delay, is Media Molecule finally ready to release LittleBigPlanet? Several gamers have received phone calls pertaining to the arrival of the much-anticipated game into stores. More in the full article.
After its controversial worldwide delay, is LittleBigPlanet finally coming out? Several gamers have received phone calls pertaining to the arrival of the much-anticipated game into stores.
It seems that the phone calls differ according to area and pre-orders. But one thing is common to all of them: a shipment of LittleBigPlanet will arrive tomorrow, the 25th of October, at numerous but unspecified locations. For the others, it’ll be up by the following morning.
If you want to hear a sample of the phone call, you can find it through the source link below.
Thanks to Surftycoon, Danny Tix and Tyleri1711 for the tip!
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