LittleBigPlanet public beta this fall and some new details too

LittleBigPlanet - Image 1PlayStation Universe has some juicy stuff to share coming in from the fellas over at Media Molecule, developers of the anticipated Sony PlayStation 3 title LittleBigPlanet have dropped in some new details and revealed that a public beta is coming soon.

LittleBigPlanet is slated to launch in early 2008, but before it does, the entire PSN community will have a chance to check out a near-complete version of the game and see if anything is amiss or whether or not they like it.

As for details, it was revealed that the SIXAXIS‘ tilting functions will play a key role in the little nuances of controlling your character. Tilting sideways will allow your character to bend while jerking it down will give a nearby player a stinging little slap. If you want to be a bit more macho, jerk the SIXAXIS up and you’ll land a fist on the other guy.

Even more amazing is the game’s uncanny ability to incorporate emotions to how everything works out in your game. Players will get to choose an emotion on any given swing of their moods and the detailed graphics will show it. The control, then, of your character also takes a twist as a happy avatar tends to bounce around while a head held low means that someone is feeling all emo. Steer clear of people with gnashing teeth because they’re obviously angry as hell.

Cooperation will be key to building levels in LittleBigPlanet as there are aspects of the game that you can’t get by over on your own. For instance, there are times you’ll have to speed-build for whatever reason, which means organization and sharing is important. Fortunately, there’s supposed to be some voice commands to help you out.

If all else fails and you feel that everyone is being a douche, or maybe you just want to prove a point, there will be a Player vs. Player mode where players face off in building sprints which, according to PSU, may be reminiscent of Earthworm Jim 2’s last level where you chase the Psy-Crow before you’re sealed off and it’s lights out for you. In any case, we’ll be waiting for more details to tell you so keep it locked right here.

Via PlayStation Universe

LittleBigPlanet - Image 1PlayStation Universe has some juicy stuff to share coming in from the fellas over at Media Molecule, developers of the anticipated Sony PlayStation 3 title LittleBigPlanet have dropped in some new details and revealed that a public beta is coming soon.

LittleBigPlanet is slated to launch in early 2008, but before it does, the entire PSN community will have a chance to check out a near-complete version of the game and see if anything is amiss or whether or not they like it.

As for details, it was revealed that the SIXAXIS‘ tilting functions will play a key role in the little nuances of controlling your character. Tilting sideways will allow your character to bend while jerking it down will give a nearby player a stinging little slap. If you want to be a bit more macho, jerk the SIXAXIS up and you’ll land a fist on the other guy.

Even more amazing is the game’s uncanny ability to incorporate emotions to how everything works out in your game. Players will get to choose an emotion on any given swing of their moods and the detailed graphics will show it. The control, then, of your character also takes a twist as a happy avatar tends to bounce around while a head held low means that someone is feeling all emo. Steer clear of people with gnashing teeth because they’re obviously angry as hell.

Cooperation will be key to building levels in LittleBigPlanet as there are aspects of the game that you can’t get by over on your own. For instance, there are times you’ll have to speed-build for whatever reason, which means organization and sharing is important. Fortunately, there’s supposed to be some voice commands to help you out.

If all else fails and you feel that everyone is being a douche, or maybe you just want to prove a point, there will be a Player vs. Player mode where players face off in building sprints which, according to PSU, may be reminiscent of Earthworm Jim 2’s last level where you chase the Psy-Crow before you’re sealed off and it’s lights out for you. In any case, we’ll be waiting for more details to tell you so keep it locked right here.

Via PlayStation Universe

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