LittleBigServer Maintenance coming tomorrow
There’s a server maintenance that’s gonna happen in the backyard of Media Molecule for LittleBigPlanet tomorrow, so you might as well be warned about it as early as now. It won’t take too long, though, and it’s not exactly gonna keep you from enjoying your game. Take note of the important details after the jump.
Heads up, guys. There’ll be a Server Maintenance for LittleBigPlanet on tomorrow, November 6th (Thursday), so you might as well ready to pry yourselves away from it.
The online servers will be down for the said maintenance that will happen between 12AM and 9AM PST. Don’t worry, though, the offline game won’t be affected, so we guess you don’t have to leave for too long — or at all. Anyhow, do try to take this opportunity to busy yourselves with something else in the meantime. You’ll be sure to get something shiny new when they get back up online.