Live Action scenes to be present in new Twisted Metal
July 22, 2010
You can all heave a sigh of relief now. David Jaffe has confirmed earlier today that the new Twisted Metal will indeed have live action cut scenes.
You can all heave a sigh of relief now. David Jaffe has confirmed earlier today that the new Twisted Metal will indeed have live action cut scenes.
Jaffe said in his blog, “If you like, check out this interview I did with the very cool website mydvdinsider about our LIVE ACTION stories for the new Twisted Metal! What!?!? Did I just say LIVE ACTION?! I DID! Can you believe it?!? We’re kicking this sh** old school, Jungle Strike FMV style! Except with no white tigers.”
Okay, okay. You can go easy on your interrobangs. It is exciting stuff, yeah!
Via [Ironstar Movement]
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