LocoRoco: Down But Not Out (Not Just Yet)

LocoRoco ad

LocoRoco may have failed to drive the Japanese crazy but Sony is trying to resuscitate the game with new TV spots. Although the title was included in the 15 Most Anticipated PSP Games, its actual sales proved disappointing and its price tag was downgraded to bargain levels. But apparently, Sony isn’t taking no for an answer. The company launched a new ad campaign featuring Japanese pop icon Ryoko Shinohara.

Is Sony just wasting it’s money re-selling LocoRoco? One reason attributed to LocoRoco’s failure to launch was Sony’s original ad campaign for the game. Hopefully, they got it right this time. Meanwhile, the game will be released this first week of September in North America. Let’s see if this hemisphere will be friendlier to the blob.

Here’s a glimpse at the upcoming Loco Roco advertisement featuring Ryoko Shinohara.



Via Watch Impress

LocoRoco ad

LocoRoco may have failed to drive the Japanese crazy but Sony is trying to resuscitate the game with new TV spots. Although the title was included in the 15 Most Anticipated PSP Games, its actual sales proved disappointing and its price tag was downgraded to bargain levels. But apparently, Sony isn’t taking no for an answer. The company launched a new ad campaign featuring Japanese pop icon Ryoko Shinohara.

Is Sony just wasting it’s money re-selling LocoRoco? One reason attributed to LocoRoco’s failure to launch was Sony’s original ad campaign for the game. Hopefully, they got it right this time. Meanwhile, the game will be released this first week of September in North America. Let’s see if this hemisphere will be friendlier to the blob.

Here’s a glimpse at the upcoming Loco Roco advertisement featuring Ryoko Shinohara.



Via Watch Impress

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