Lord of the Rings Online Lore: the Cairn of Honour

The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar Codemasters - Image 1While some players have undoubtedly used the Cairn of Honour as a meeting place or as a guide to tell them when they have reached the hills of Angmar, few can recall the original reason it was put up. The online Lorebook of CodemastersThe Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar discusses the history behind this structure as well as hints about a certain quest players might be interested in taking.

Do you want to find out more about the Cairn of Honour? Click on the “read more” link below to see the full article.

The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar Codemasters  - Image 1While some players have undoubtedly used the Cairn of Honour as a meeting place or as a guide to tell them when they have reached the hills of Angmar, few can recall the original reason it was put up. The online Lorebook of CodemastersThe Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar discusses the history behind this structure as well as hints about a certain quest players might be interested in taking.

When Earnur and Glorfindel drove the Witch-King from the north, the remaining Hill-men of Rhudaur ran into the hills of the witch-realm and hid from the armies of the Elves and Gondor. It was during this time that each clan pledged an oath to never serve the Shadow in the East. They cemented this pact by putting up the Cairn of Honour in the hills of Angmar.

As time went on, the clans were once again seduced by the Shadow in the East. There are still a few Hill-men who have not abandoned their pledges and still look upon the Cairn as a symbol of honor and respect. They hope to take it back from the evil clans with the help of the Rangers from the North and perhaps a certain adventurer reading this article.

Via LotRO Lorebook

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