LUA Avalanche V1 Released
MaSt3r_ShAk3 from our forums has released LUA Avalanche V1 today. Avalanche is an updated version of his Stick Avalanche, but he decided to give it a new name since this version has got a lot of changes since the last one. Here comes the details:
Changelog from V1:
- Music!
- A sound when you die
- 2 spikes now fall at once *yay*
- Slower speed increase
- New/Better GFX!
- Loading screen gone
- Pressing Select now brings you back to the lowser
- better collision
- Have no blinking when spikes reach bottom
- Catch a red ball and get 5 points
- Hi-Score
You will need Lua player to play this game.
Download: [LUA Avalanche V1]
Thanks for the release and the news, MaSt3r_ShAk3.
MaSt3r_ShAk3 from our forums has released LUA Avalanche V1 today. Avalanche is an updated version of his Stick Avalanche, but he decided to give it a new name since this version has got a lot of changes since the last one. Here comes the details:
Changelog from V1:
- Music!
- A sound when you die
- 2 spikes now fall at once *yay*
- Slower speed increase
- New/Better GFX!
- Loading screen gone
- Pressing Select now brings you back to the lowser
- better collision
- Have no blinking when spikes reach bottom
- Catch a red ball and get 5 points
- Hi-Score
You will need Lua player to play this game.
Download: [LUA Avalanche V1]
Thanks for the release and the news, MaSt3r_ShAk3.