LUA MaDnEsS [Alpha] released
Kozine from our forums has decided to put his LUA Luigi jump game on hold while he learns more coding. But it’s not all bad news! He has released another LUA game for us to enjoy, called MaDnEsS. The aim of this game is to collect the required amount flying rocks around the level, with the number of rocks varying depending on the level.
It features:
- An animated character
- A menu
- 1 completed level (so far)
- A gameover screen and a level beaten screen
Being an alpha, the game isn’t long (currently has one level), and there is a known bug in the level beaten screen, and there are still a few things to be done. Kozine’s to do list includes more levels, bug fixes, and to set the highest point on the screen the rocks can go. Other than that, this game is a very promising alpha, and the graphics look pretty good too.
You will need Lua Player to play this game on your PSP.
Update: This game does not work with Lua player 0.18
Download: [LUA MaDnEsS Alpha]
Kozine from our forums has decided to put his LUA Luigi jump game on hold while he learns more coding. But it’s not all bad news! He has released another LUA game for us to enjoy, called MaDnEsS. The aim of this game is to collect the required amount flying rocks around the level, with the number of rocks varying depending on the level.
It features:
- An animated character
- A menu
- 1 completed level (so far)
- A gameover screen and a level beaten screen
Being an alpha, the game isn’t long (currently has one level), and there is a known bug in the level beaten screen, and there are still a few things to be done. Kozine’s to do list includes more levels, bug fixes, and to set the highest point on the screen the rocks can go. Other than that, this game is a very promising alpha, and the graphics look pretty good too.
You will need Lua Player to play this game on your PSP.
Update: This game does not work with Lua player 0.18
Download: [LUA MaDnEsS Alpha]