Lua Naruto Alpha v0.01
Naruto remains to date one of the most popular anime TV series. Not only has it created a huge following with the Japanese, it also created big patronage from North American fans. From a huge number of fansites, free downloads of fan-subbed episodes of the said anime reached a total of 100,000 downloads in the first week of release and nearly 200,000 downloads just within the first months. As if that’s not testimony enough, Naruto is currently making waves with homebrew developers.
Back in January, QJ Forums’ KingOfNoobs came up with his first Lua game starring the yellow-haired hero. Just recently, Monkeyboy1916 released a second version of his Anime Style mod for PSP Revolution; and who would grace v2, but the popular aspiring Hokage. Now, another homebrew inspired by Naruto is coming our way via gizmo356.
Lua Naruto v0.01 is gizmo356’s first try at Lua. Since this is still an alpha version, there is not much going on with the game – just a movable Naruto sprite (made transparent thanks to help from Vettacrossx) on a forest background – both provided by Shadowblind, whom the author also wants to thank. If you’d rather see an animated Naruto sprite, don’t worry – gizmo356 is currently getting help with animation form MasterChafed and next releases (which will hopefully be soon) will see the fruits of this tutorial.
If you’re excited about seeing a playable Naruto game, rather than wait when the PSP Naruto will hit American shores, you might want to help shape Lua Naruto by trying this out then leaving your suggestions and constructive criticisms for gizmo356 via the comments section below.
Download [Lua Naruto Alpha v0.01]
Via gizmo356
Naruto remains to date one of the most popular anime TV series. Not only has it created a huge following with the Japanese, it also created big patronage from North American fans. From a huge number of fansites, free downloads of fan-subbed episodes of the said anime reached a total of 100,000 downloads in the first week of release and nearly 200,000 downloads just within the first months. As if that’s not testimony enough, Naruto is currently making waves with homebrew developers.
Back in January, QJ Forums’ KingOfNoobs came up with his first Lua game starring the yellow-haired hero. Just recently, Monkeyboy1916 released a second version of his Anime Style mod for PSP Revolution; and who would grace v2, but the popular aspiring Hokage. Now, another homebrew inspired by Naruto is coming our way via gizmo356.
Lua Naruto v0.01 is gizmo356’s first try at Lua. Since this is still an alpha version, there is not much going on with the game – just a movable Naruto sprite (made transparent thanks to help from Vettacrossx) on a forest background – both provided by Shadowblind, whom the author also wants to thank. If you’d rather see an animated Naruto sprite, don’t worry – gizmo356 is currently getting help with animation form MasterChafed and next releases (which will hopefully be soon) will see the fruits of this tutorial.
If you’re excited about seeing a playable Naruto game, rather than wait when the PSP Naruto will hit American shores, you might want to help shape Lua Naruto by trying this out then leaving your suggestions and constructive criticisms for gizmo356 via the comments section below.
Download [Lua Naruto Alpha v0.01]
Via gizmo356