Luamines v0.05a For PSP

MenuBlue ScanlineWhite Scanline

We’ve always associated this Lumines clone, Luamines, with Dragula96. But this version of the game is brought to us by a new developer,  x_JesusOfSuburbia_x. His version still exhibits the same elements in Dragula96’s version 0.05, like the neon light effect on the scanline, the addition of a main menu and the new “Level by Level” play mode, but now with a few modifications in a line of code, you can now run the game via eloader.

Also, if you want to be involved in future Lua projects with x_JesusOfSuburbia_x, leave a comment in this article saying how wonderful this version is and I’m pretty sure he’ll get back to you.

Thanks to x_JesusOfSuburbia_x for the email!

Download: [Luamines v0.05a]

MenuBlue ScanlineWhite Scanline

We’ve always associated this Lumines clone, Luamines, with Dragula96. But this version of the game is brought to us by a new developer,  x_JesusOfSuburbia_x. His version still exhibits the same elements in Dragula96’s version 0.05, like the neon light effect on the scanline, the addition of a main menu and the new “Level by Level” play mode, but now with a few modifications in a line of code, you can now run the game via eloader.

Also, if you want to be involved in future Lua projects with x_JesusOfSuburbia_x, leave a comment in this article saying how wonderful this version is and I’m pretty sure he’ll get back to you.

Thanks to x_JesusOfSuburbia_x for the email!

Download: [Luamines v0.05a]

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