Mad Bomber v0.2.5: save the city with your trusty water buckets
February 23, 2009
Wiibrew dev MiniK has released a new game called The Mad Bomber, where a frowning (or is he scowling?) madman in a hamburglar suit is dropping bombs all over the place and you have to catch them all before they go boom-boom. Watch a vid of the game after the link.
Download: Mad Bomber v0.2.5
Wiibrew dev MiniK has released a new game called The Mad Bomber, where a frowning (or is he scowling?) madman in a hamburglar suit is dropping bombs all over the place and you have to catch them all before they go boom-boom. Here’s a vid of the game:
The gameplay is simple, like most of his other games, but when the mad bomber gets faster, you’re gonna have to scramble. Here are the controls:
- Hold the Wiimote(s) sideways or point at the screen to move the buckets of water
- Home Exit to loader
- + Pause/Return to menu
- A/2 Start Game
Download: Mad Bomber v0.2.5
More games from MiniK:
Via Wiibrew