Magic Squares v1.0

PSPxploren has just informed us via our forums about Access_Denied‘s latest homebrew game, Magic Squares v1.0.

Magic Squares is a simple logic game where the basic objective is to make all the columns and rows equal to each other without using any number twice. So yeah, it requires logic and it involves numbers, and it’s actually quite difficult, but if you’re up for the challenge then by all means, feel free to take a crack at it.

Access_Denied (who, by the way, was also the one who brought us TIFF Periodic Table v2) says that this version currently has a 3 x 3 grid, a 4 x 4 grid, and a 5 x 5 grid. He’s planning to bump up the grids in the next version to go up to 7 x 7, but he’s still not sure because getting through the 5 x 5 is pretty tough already. So anyway, if you wanna prove Access_Denied wrong and show that the 5×5 grid is a breeze, you know what to do; download the game below and tell us about it via the comments, alrighty?

Download: [Magic Squares v1.0]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

PSPxploren has just informed us via our forums about Access_Denied‘s latest homebrew game, Magic Squares v1.0.

Magic Squares is a simple logic game where the basic objective is to make all the columns and rows equal to each other without using any number twice. So yeah, it requires logic and it involves numbers, and it’s actually quite difficult, but if you’re up for the challenge then by all means, feel free to take a crack at it.

Access_Denied (who, by the way, was also the one who brought us TIFF Periodic Table v2) says that this version currently has a 3 x 3 grid, a 4 x 4 grid, and a 5 x 5 grid. He’s planning to bump up the grids in the next version to go up to 7 x 7, but he’s still not sure because getting through the 5 x 5 is pretty tough already. So anyway, if you wanna prove Access_Denied wrong and show that the 5×5 grid is a breeze, you know what to do; download the game below and tell us about it via the comments, alrighty?

Download: [Magic Squares v1.0]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

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