Make even newer boots: Xtreme Boot Maker v0.3.2
These boots were made for savin’
And that’s just what they’ll do!
You use it with X360SAM
To format stuff for you!
Not a perfect song, but it’ll do. Klutsh‘s Xtreme Boot Maker lets you set up your floppy discs or USB drives for use with the X360SAM. Now, he warns that you use it at your own risk, but it’s enticing, since it can reformat floppies and USB drives with a minimum of fuss and has no firmware or patches. In any case, here’s Klutsh’s description of the features:
- Auto-detects your SATA/RAID controller and hex-edits MTKFlash (if needed) for your chipset.
- Formats your floppy/USB drive and copies all necessary files over.
- Uses X360SAM 0.4.
- MD5 checker when selecting your firmware lets you know your firmware is legit
- Updateable firmware definitions.
- Renames the firmware you load to xtreme.bin, uses custom .bat files.
- Will work with all existing Xtreme fw’s and future releases. (I Hope)
- Can be used with NTFS cd’s, creates a folder on your HDD.
UPDATE: Klutsh just came out with version 0.3.2 of his sweet little Boot Maker. He’s added some extra error routines for those bad situations you pray will never happen with your techie stuff. Klutsh has also fixed the process for formatting and creating bootable floppies, so it should work a little bit better this time around.
Try it out, and see how you like it. Enjoy!
Download: [Xtreme Boot Maker v0.3.2]
These boots were made for savin’
And that’s just what they’ll do!
You use it with X360SAM
To format stuff for you!
Not a perfect song, but it’ll do. Klutsh‘s Xtreme Boot Maker lets you set up your floppy discs or USB drives for use with the X360SAM. Now, he warns that you use it at your own risk, but it’s enticing, since it can reformat floppies and USB drives with a minimum of fuss and has no firmware or patches. In any case, here’s Klutsh’s description of the features:
- Auto-detects your SATA/RAID controller and hex-edits MTKFlash (if needed) for your chipset.
- Formats your floppy/USB drive and copies all necessary files over.
- Uses X360SAM 0.4.
- MD5 checker when selecting your firmware lets you know your firmware is legit
- Updateable firmware definitions.
- Renames the firmware you load to xtreme.bin, uses custom .bat files.
- Will work with all existing Xtreme fw’s and future releases. (I Hope)
- Can be used with NTFS cd’s, creates a folder on your HDD.
UPDATE: Klutsh just came out with version 0.3.2 of his sweet little Boot Maker. He’s added some extra error routines for those bad situations you pray will never happen with your techie stuff. Klutsh has also fixed the process for formatting and creating bootable floppies, so it should work a little bit better this time around.
Try it out, and see how you like it. Enjoy!
Download: [Xtreme Boot Maker v0.3.2]