Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games new screens
If you’re feeling a little bored with the routine games you play with your friends, then maybe you would like to pick up something different. How about a game of table tennis with a fury and intensity in the likeness of “Balls of Fury”? Or swimming laps obstacle-style?
There really is so much fun to be had, and it’s right at the historical Olympics. How to get there, you ask? Through Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games. Do see out the many fun you can have by checking out the new screenshots over at the full article.
Here’s a new batch of screenshots for Nintendo’s sporty Wii adventure, Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games. Here, you get to take a peek at some more sports featured in the game, such as table tennis, swimming and rowing.
It sure is more fun to engage in competition if it is among your friends. Make that friendly competition, then. And the saying “Keep your friends close, your enemies closer” just might be a good mantra to keep in mind when playing this game. Oh, but you haven’t picked up your copy? Here, why don’t you check out the screens and see for yourself how fun it is to be at the Olympics without leaving your home.
Via GamePro