Massive Interview: Mass Effect’s project manager

Mass Effect - Image 1Online site Shack News was able to talk to Casey Hudson, project manager for Mass Effect. Some of our past coverage on this project from BioWare focused on the different characters as well as the long term plans for the game. The interview complemented what we know: Casey Hudson said that Mass Effect will give fans a lot of new things that will ultimately translate to whole new experiences:

Much of the Mass Effect is about the thrill of the unknown – seeing new and exotic locations, and having the freedom to travel to these places at will, never knowing what’s around the corner. One of the most important locations in the game is the Citadel, a gigantic space station that is the center of political and financial power in the galaxy.

Hudson then went on to discuss character customization, something every single player is fond of. After all, some people play because they imagine the characters as themselves. It seems that the game won’t disappoint:

You can adjust every feature of your face and create a unique Commander Shepard, male or female. You can choose what class of skills your character will specialize in, and you’ll be able to develop those skills as you progress even adding entirely new skills that add new dimensions to combat and character interaction.

Mass Effect - Image 1Hudson added that more than customization, interacting with other in-game characters will also prove to be important. Players will have direct control of their character’s responses during cinematic cuts:

You make the choice of either freeing or executing prisoners. At another point, you make a choice about how to give some physical punishment to someone who stabbed you in the back, including sending your 7-foot tall Krogan warrior to do the job as you watch.

Lastly, the official divulged that BioWare has exciting plans for Mass Effect downloadable content in the future. Hudson admits that this is the trend nowadays and they are likely to follow suit:

It may include new locations, maps, or equipment to modify your character, but we haven’t officially announced anything yet. Needless to say, we see a lot of great opportunities with Xbox Live so we’ll certainly be taking advantage of it in a big way.

Mass Effect - Image 1Online site Shack News was able to talk to Casey Hudson, project manager for Mass Effect. Some of our past coverage on this project from BioWare focused on the different characters as well as the long term plans for the game. The interview complemented what we know: Casey Hudson said that Mass Effect will give fans a lot of new things that will ultimately translate to whole new experiences:

Much of the Mass Effect is about the thrill of the unknown – seeing new and exotic locations, and having the freedom to travel to these places at will, never knowing what’s around the corner. One of the most important locations in the game is the Citadel, a gigantic space station that is the center of political and financial power in the galaxy.

Hudson then went on to discuss character customization, something every single player is fond of. After all, some people play because they imagine the characters as themselves. It seems that the game won’t disappoint:

You can adjust every feature of your face and create a unique Commander Shepard, male or female. You can choose what class of skills your character will specialize in, and you’ll be able to develop those skills as you progress even adding entirely new skills that add new dimensions to combat and character interaction.

Mass Effect - Image 1Hudson added that more than customization, interacting with other in-game characters will also prove to be important. Players will have direct control of their character’s responses during cinematic cuts:

You make the choice of either freeing or executing prisoners. At another point, you make a choice about how to give some physical punishment to someone who stabbed you in the back, including sending your 7-foot tall Krogan warrior to do the job as you watch.

Lastly, the official divulged that BioWare has exciting plans for Mass Effect downloadable content in the future. Hudson admits that this is the trend nowadays and they are likely to follow suit:

It may include new locations, maps, or equipment to modify your character, but we haven’t officially announced anything yet. Needless to say, we see a lot of great opportunities with Xbox Live so we’ll certainly be taking advantage of it in a big way.

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