Masterful handling: A Winning Eleven 2007 gameplay vid

Ever seen someone completely psyche out his competition by doing something so outrageous that it seems physically impossible? For some men, such things fall in the realm of relationships. For others, it’s good ol’ Pele driving the ball down the field and firing a well-placed bicycle kick past the keeper.

Of course, we don’t necessarily have those things, unless you’re also an athlete. As gamers, we have a duty to follow our icons by playing the games they love. Of these, soccer is one of those punishing games that forces you to run around, be good with your feet, and do a victory dance every time you score a goal. Yeesh.

Konami‘s Winning Eleven 2007 game will be in the US in a few more weeks. Perhaps it’s time we celebrate its coming. Let us enjoy this well-played video of the game and think fondly of the memories of our childhood. So long as we never have to step anywhere near the real thing, we surely won’t have to think about how those soccer players will always get the girls in the end.


Ever seen someone completely psyche out his competition by doing something so outrageous that it seems physically impossible? For some men, such things fall in the realm of relationships. For others, it’s good ol’ Pele driving the ball down the field and firing a well-placed bicycle kick past the keeper.

Of course, we don’t necessarily have those things, unless you’re also an athlete. As gamers, we have a duty to follow our icons by playing the games they love. Of these, soccer is one of those punishing games that forces you to run around, be good with your feet, and do a victory dance every time you score a goal. Yeesh.

Konami‘s Winning Eleven 2007 game will be in the US in a few more weeks. Perhaps it’s time we celebrate its coming. Let us enjoy this well-played video of the game and think fondly of the memories of our childhood. So long as we never have to step anywhere near the real thing, we surely won’t have to think about how those soccer players will always get the girls in the end.


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