Mathieulh’s update on Utopia project: SVN and Trac Servers now available
I know we’re a little bit late on this one but recently, Mathieulh has posted over at forums on the recent progress of the Utopia project. What is the Utopia Project you might asked? Read more after the jump.

I know we’re a little bit late on this one but recently, Mathieulh has posted over at forums on the recent progress of the Utopia project. What is the Utopia Project you might asked? Well here a brief history refresher, for those who might have forgotten.
Utopia is an open source PSP kernel designed specifically for homebrew and development. It’s going to use up over 1MB of RAM, perhaps 2MB at most. It’s going to be fully documented and divided into two parts: one for developers (who need debugging tools, SDK) and one for homebrewers who want to run software on their PSP designed with it.
Here’s what Utopia can and can’t do, according to a previous post from Mathieulh:
- Utopia is not meant to run Sony’s code, thus current homebrews or games wont run on it.
- Utopia will not feature UMD drive support of any kind.
- Utopia will not feature any kind of DRM functionalities (at least this is not planned)
- Utopia will most likely not feature any kirk engine support.
- Wlan is planned but not a priority at this point.
- No vsh or graphic interface of any kind is to be included in utopia or officially supported by the utopia project. Utopia is ONLY the kernel, if you want to code your own shell on top of it, feel free to do so.
- The utopia kernel is NOT based on Linux, freebsd or any other open source project (unlike uClinux for example) , it is based on the 3.71 IPL reverse engineering. (and later on existing kernel modules reverse)
So there you go, now moving on to Mathieulh’s recent update. He finally decided to setup the proper SVN and Trac Server for the Utopia Project for those who are interested and willing to help with project. According to Mat:
I finally decided to take some time to setup a svn and a trac server with proper authentications and permissions for the Utopia Projects. Here they are:
SVN: or
TRAC: or
If you are willing to contribute, feel free to pm me.
Contributers will be given write accesses to both the svn and trac resources.
I know this comes a tad late but I hope it will bring more people to contribute to this project.
Via [LAN.ST]