Mecha-bundle: Gundam Musou-PS3 package in Japan
Geeks of all shapes and sizes must be doing a “Numa Numa” dance by now or something, pumping and flailing their arms in the air in glee. Namco Bandai and Sony Japan have just teamed up to bring one mecha-package of a deal for Gundam fans. The release of Gundam Musou is just around the corner – March 1, to be exact – and it’s prompted an announcement of a new PS3 bundle.
The bundle will include a 60GB PS3 unit (complete with all the other cables, SIXAXIS, etc.), a copy of the Gundam game, a set of eight Gundam Musou art cards, and two Gundam Musou files: one about characters, another about technical info. We don’t know what those two case files specifically are, and we haven’t seen the art cards to be included, so we’ll just keep you tabs in case we spot anything.
The Gundam-PS3 bundle costs Â¥ 69,800 (around US$ 580) and still isn’t confirmed if it’ll also reach western shores.
Geeks of all shapes and sizes must be doing a “Numa Numa” dance by now or something, pumping and flailing their arms in the air in glee. Namco Bandai and Sony Japan have just teamed up to bring one mecha-package of a deal for Gundam fans. The release of Gundam Musou is just around the corner – March 1, to be exact – and it’s prompted an announcement of a new PS3 bundle.
The bundle will include a 60GB PS3 unit (complete with all the other cables, SIXAXIS, etc.), a copy of the Gundam game, a set of eight Gundam Musou art cards, and two Gundam Musou files: one about characters, another about technical info. We don’t know what those two case files specifically are, and we haven’t seen the art cards to be included, so we’ll just keep you tabs in case we spot anything.
The Gundam-PS3 bundle costs Â¥ 69,800 (around US$ 580) and still isn’t confirmed if it’ll also reach western shores.