Medal of Honor Heroes 2 – gameplay footage, adjusting dead zone
Four new gameplay videos have arrived for Medal of Honor Heroes 2. While three of them feature the already familiar scenario of a chaotic battlefield, the fourth video demonstrates how the Wiimote will play an integral role in moving (as well as shooting of course).
It looks like the game’s really going to be taking advantage of the Wii Zapper’s role in the game. Head on over to the full article for the videos.
Four new gameplay videos have arrived for Medal of Honor Heroes 2. While three of them feature the already familiar scenario of a chaotic battlefield, the fourth video demonstrates how the Wiimote will play an integral role in moving (as well as shooting of course).
It looks like the game’s really going to be taking advantage of the Wii Zapper’s role in the game. The first video is set in the docks full U-boats. Yes you’re going to have to secure the area. The second video is set on the beach, and it doesn’t look like it’s far from the setting of the first video.
The third video is set in the city, inside a house. Remember, no throwing grenades in the house. It’s not polite. The fourth video is set in the sewers and lets you see how to adjust the Dead Zone of the Wii, the area that affects directional controls in the game.