Media Create software sales list, PS3 and 360 back on track

Japan love em RPGs and cute girls - Image 1Media Create has revealed their weekly software sales list for June 11-17, and it’s got some pretty interesting titles on top. Bandai Namco’s RPG entry to the Xbox 360, Trusty Bell: Chopin’s Dream held nothing back as it took 2nd place off the bat. Tecmo doesn’t disappoint neither as Ninja Gaiden Sigma took 3rd.

DS titles are still dominating the list, with 18 of 30 coming to the handheld. That said, it’s finally looking good for Sony and Microsoft at least. Sure, only Call of Duty 3 is the other PS3 entry at 14 while Trusty Bell is alone, but we should be able to agree that some life is breathing into these consoles that Nintendo left behind.

Without further ado, here’s the list:

01. [NDS] Practice by Observing: DS Observation Training (Nintendo) – 63,439 / 220,810
02. [360] Trusty Bell: Chopin’s Dream (Bandai-Namco) – 49,334 / NEW
03. [PS3] Ninja Gaiden Sigma (Tecmo) – 46,307 / NEW
04. [WII] Wii Sports (Nintendo) – 34,223 / 1,721,611
05. [NDS] More Brain Age (Nintendo) – 24,901 / 4,374,525
06. [WII] Wii Play (Nintendo) – 22,161 / 1,399,060
07. [NDS] New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo) – 19,297 / 4,539,176
08. [NDS] Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii: Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2 (Nintendo) – 16,879 / 156,867
09. [NDS] More English Training (Nintendo) – 15,855 / 288,570
10. [NDS] Brain Age (Nintendo) – 15,405 / 3,467,764

More after the jump!

Japan love em RPGs and cute girls - Image 1Media Create has revealed their weekly software sales list for June 11-17, and it’s got some pretty interesting titles on top. Bandai Namco’s RPG entry to the Xbox 360, Trusty Bell: Chopin’s Dream held nothing back as it took 2nd place off the bat. Tecmo doesn’t disappoint neither as Ninja Gaiden Sigma took 3rd.

DS titles are still dominating the list, with 18 of 30 coming to the handheld. That said, it’s finally looking good for Sony and Microsoft at least. Sure, only Call of Duty 3 is the other PS3 entry at 14 while Trusty Bell is alone, but we should be able to agree that some life is breathing into these consoles that Nintendo left behind.

Without further ado, here’s the list:

01. [NDS] Practice by Observing: DS Observation Training (Nintendo) – 63,439 / 220,810
02. [360] Trusty Bell: Chopin’s Dream (Bandai-Namco) – 49,334 / NEW
03. [PS3] Ninja Gaiden Sigma (Tecmo) – 46,307 / NEW
04. [WII] Wii Sports (Nintendo) – 34,223 / 1,721,611
05. [NDS] More Brain Age (Nintendo) – 24,901 / 4,374,525
06. [WII] Wii Play (Nintendo) – 22,161 / 1,399,060
07. [NDS] New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo) – 19,297 / 4,539,176
08. [NDS] Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii: Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2 (Nintendo) – 16,879 / 156,867
09. [NDS] More English Training (Nintendo) – 15,855 / 288,570
10. [NDS] Brain Age (Nintendo) – 15,405 / 3,467,764
11. [NDS] Prof. Layton and the Mysterious Village (Level 5)
12. [PS2] Hisshou Pachinko/Pachislo Capture Series, Vol. 10: CR Neon Geneses Evangelion (D3 Publisher)
13. [NDS] Mario Kart DS (Nintendo)
14. [PS3] Call of Duty 3 (Spike)
15. [NDS] Momotarou Dentetsu DS: Tokyo & Japan (Hudson)
16. [NDS] Animal Crossing Wild World (Nintendo)
17. [NDS] Yoshi’s Island DS (Nintendo)
18. [NDS] English Training (Nintendo)
19. [WII] Super Paper Mario (Nintendo)
20. [NDS] Common Knowledge Training (Nintendo)
21. [NDS] Kanji Brain Test 2M (IE Institute)
22. [PSP] Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai – Another Road (Bandai-Namco)
23. [PSP] Final Fantasy II (Square-Enix)
24. [PSP] Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War (Square-Enix)
25. [WII] Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree (Nintendo)
26. [NDS] Phoenix Wright 4 (Capcom)
27. [NDS] Kekkaishi: Tale of the Raven Forest (Bandai-Namco)
28. [WII] Harvest Moon: Tree of Peace (Marvelous Interactive)
29. [NDS] Kurikin: Nano Island Story (Nintendo)
30. [NDS] Pokémon Diamond (Pokemon)

Via NeoGAF

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