Media Create weekly software sales: Sony heating up, Nintendo still on top

Japan loves these things - Image 1It’s no secret that Japan still loves Sony, and recent hardware sales prove testament to that. Even so, Nintendo’s consoles are yet to slow down as the Wii and DS dominate the market. Microsoft‘s Xbox 360 continues to struggle with limited interest for its games outside the RPGs.

Recent figures from Media Create show that PlayStation 3 sales went up 20%, having sold 11,914 last week. The PlayStation 2 before it is still alive with units sold at 16,316 after experiencing a 26% increase.

Ninty’s Wii doesn’t fall behind, selling 8000 more than the week before last and keeping its steady lead at 73,919. Microsoft had 3154 Xbox 360 units sold for them, which is pretty much how the box performs over the land of the rising sun all the time.

On the handhelds side, DS recently sold 157,435 from 164,000 a couple of weeks back. Nintendo’s other babies, Game Boy Advance and Game Boy Micro are still kicking, selling 179 and 377 respectively. The PSP trails as 38,305 units made their way off the shelves.

Via Media Create Japan

Japan loves these things - Image 1It’s no secret that Japan still loves Sony, and recent hardware sales prove testament to that. Even so, Nintendo’s consoles are yet to slow down as the Wii and DS dominate the market. Microsoft‘s Xbox 360 continues to struggle with limited interest for its games outside the RPGs.

Recent figures from Media Create show that PlayStation 3 sales went up 20%, having sold 11,914 last week. The PlayStation 2 before it is still alive with units sold at 16,316 after experiencing a 26% increase.

Ninty’s Wii doesn’t fall behind, selling 8000 more than the week before last and keeping its steady lead at 73,919. Microsoft had 3154 Xbox 360 units sold for them, which is pretty much how the box performs over the land of the rising sun all the time.

On the handhelds side, DS recently sold 157,435 from 164,000 a couple of weeks back. Nintendo’s other babies, Game Boy Advance and Game Boy Micro are still kicking, selling 179 and 377 respectively. The PSP trails as 38,305 units made their way off the shelves.

Via Media Create Japan

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