Meet the characters in de Blob

de Blob from THQ - Image 1Check out the characters you’ll play as and meet in THQ‘s upcoming video game for the Wii and the DS, de Blob. Are you ready to be a color revolutionary and beat the monochromatic I.N.K.T.? Be sure to know who’s friend and who’s foe in this Australian-made, Dutch-inspired video game.

The character art are just after the jump!

THQ's de Blob character art for Wii and DS - Image 1

The last time we heard from de Blob was when we posted a producer interview that featured some gameplay snippets. Today, we’ve got some character art for the game.

In the upcoming video game from THQ for the Nintendo Wii and the Nintendo DS, de Blob, you will be playing as revolutionary vandal-painter of sorts. You play as a blob out to repaint the city of Chroma and liberate it from the black and white I.N.K.T. In the character art, we see various colored blobs, an inky, the mustached prof, a zippy blob with skates, and a burly looking revolutionary.

We’ll leave you to check out the de Blob character art. Stay tuned as we keep checking for more updates.

THQ's de Blob character art for the Wii and DS - Image 1 THQ's de Blob character art for the Wii and DS - Image 8 THQ's de Blob character art for the Wii and DS - Image 9
THQ's de Blob character art for the Wii and DS - Image 2 THQ's de Blob character art for the Wii and DS - Image 3 THQ's de Blob character art for the Wii and DS - Image 7
THQ's de Blob character art for the Wii and DS - Image 4 THQ's de Blob character art for the Wii and DS - Image 5 THQ's de Blob character art for the Wii and DS - Image 6

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