Mega Man 1: no show on Virtual Console

Mega Man 1: no show on WiiWare - Image 1Ok, I know a lot of you have been looking forward to Mega Man on the Virtual Console – I know I have, and reader neomew too (mew 2?) – but, as you may have noticed in our US Wii Shop Channel update, Mega Man is a no show. Unfortunately, it seems he won’t be coming to the Wii Shop Channel this week. More in the full article.

Mega Man 1: no show on WiiWare - Image 1I know a lot of you were looking forward to Mega Man on WiiWare this week, but as some of you may have noticed by now, he’s a no show on the Wii Shop Channel update. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, folks, but he won’t miraculously pop up anytime this week either.

Chris “Kramez” Kramer of the Capcom Unity blogs apologized for the situation on their forums, and explained that:

We jumped the gun a bit by announcing what we thought was the release date for Mega Man on VC based on code global submissions to Nintendo.

Sorry about that, we just got swept up in all the excitement generated by Mega Man 9. Nintendo is gatekeeper of Virtual Console, and as such, they determine the schedule of releases.They’ve got a lot of games to balance and sometimes they have to move titles around.

[…] As to the blog post that announced the date and then mysteriously disappeared, that was done by someone new to Unity and the blogosphere in general. We’ve now set a policy internally that if we post something and it’s wrong or the infor changes that we will update the original post rather than try to nuke it from space. As we all know, there is no rewind/erase button for the internets 😉

The same thing happened to Strong Bad’s Cool Game for Attractive People recently. I hope Nintendo will find a way to resolve the update schedules of games soon, but till then, keep checking back for the Wii Shop Channel updates.

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Via Capcom Unity

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