“Mehrunes’ Razor” Downloadable Content Arrives for Oblivion on June 15th

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According to the Elder Scrolls website the next bit of downloadable content for Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion was announced today. The addition will be called “Mehrunes’ Razor” and will arrive on June 15th on the Marketplace. With the new update you will be able to “conquer one of the deepest and most challenging dungeons in all of Cyrodiil to claim this fearsome weapon (the Mehurunes’ Razor).

The story behind the new addition is that “The lost Ayleid City Varsa Baalim has been unearthed by a rogue Telvanni arch-mage, in pursuit of a fearsome Daedric Artifact, Mehrunes Razor, which he believes will give him the power he needs to topple the Imperial reign.” So if you want to get even more out of your copy of Oblivion go ahead and check out the new content when it becomes available on Thursday.

Via Elder Scrolls

dlc oblivion

According to the Elder Scrolls website the next bit of downloadable content for Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion was announced today. The addition will be called “Mehrunes’ Razor” and will arrive on June 15th on the Marketplace. With the new update you will be able to “conquer one of the deepest and most challenging dungeons in all of Cyrodiil to claim this fearsome weapon (the Mehurunes’ Razor).

The story behind the new addition is that “The lost Ayleid City Varsa Baalim has been unearthed by a rogue Telvanni arch-mage, in pursuit of a fearsome Daedric Artifact, Mehrunes Razor, which he believes will give him the power he needs to topple the Imperial reign.” So if you want to get even more out of your copy of Oblivion go ahead and check out the new content when it becomes available on Thursday.

Via Elder Scrolls

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