Metal Gear Online will have multiplayer beta test in April

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Online Beta this April - Image 1Ok, so there’s not going to be a demo for Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, but how about a multiplayer beta test Metal Gear Online? Would that make impatient gamers out there feel better? Well, it certainly makes us feel better, you betcha. Details in the full article.

Metal Gear Online will have multiplayer beta test in April - Image 1  

A month ago, Ryan Payton – assistant producer of Metal Gear Solid 4 put a stop to rumors that the game will have a demo. The bad news is, it looks like he’s holding up that promise. The good news is, Konami will be releasing a multiplayer beta test for Metal Gear Online.

Following news that MGS4 will be released with the new PlayStation 3 bundle, Sony announced that the beta test for Metal Gear Online will launch in late April. Those who get pre-orders during their nationwide pre-sell promotion will have “guaranteed access” to the beta.

Ok, so you might still be a little miffed that MGS4 won’t have a demo, but we recommend you get a pre-order to get your chance at the beta of Metal Gear Online. We’ll keep you posted, so check back for updates!

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