Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops: Infinite War “coming soon”

Sony PlayStation Coming Soon Announcement - Image 1

If you’ve received a recent copy of PlayStation Underground‘s e-newsletter, you might have skimmed over the list pictured above. Speculation or fluke – call it as you may, the newsletter listed four upcoming hotspot-compatible Sony PlayStation Portable games. The list included two SOCOM installments, NBA 09, and something new in the Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops scene: Infinite War.

Seeing as rumors over a new Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops sequel under development was overturned by Kojima Productions’ Ryan Payton, there could only be one other viable option to what Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops: Infinite War is. It’s probably the North American version of Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops+, of which the original was released less than a month ago in Japan.

Anyway, one would love to think that the use of “Infinite War” for a title with the “Infinity Mission” campaign is more than just a coincidence, but let’s wait the details that was promised to confirm MGS fans’ hopes. More on this as we get them.

Truckloads of kudos goes to NarooN for showing us the light and pointing us to the PSU e-newsletter.

Sony PlayStation Coming Soon Announcement - Image 1

If you’ve received a recent copy of PlayStation Underground‘s e-newsletter, you might have skimmed over the list pictured above. Speculation or fluke – call it as you may, the newsletter listed four upcoming hotspot-compatible Sony PlayStation Portable games. The list included two SOCOM installments, NBA 09, and something new in the Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops scene: Infinite War.

Seeing as rumors over a new Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops sequel under development was overturned by Kojima Productions’ Ryan Payton, there could only be one other viable option to what Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops: Infinite War is. It’s probably the North American version of Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops+, of which the original was released less than a month ago in Japan.

Anyway, one would love to think that the use of “Infinite War” for a title with the “Infinity Mission” campaign is more than just a coincidence, but let’s wait the details that was promised to confirm MGS fans’ hopes. More on this as we get them.

Truckloads of kudos goes to NarooN for showing us the light and pointing us to the PSU e-newsletter.

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