Metal Gear Solid Touch is looking campy in debut trailer

Video - Metal Gear Solid Touch Exclusive Debut Trailer - Image 1Words fail me. I have nothing but respect for Hideo Kojima, but Metal Gear Solid Touch is looking… pretty crappy. And I say that with love. But you can judge for yourselves. Watch the premiere trailer after the link.

Words fail me. I have nothing but respect for Hideo Kojima, but Metal Gear Solid Touch is looking… pretty crappy. And I say that with love. But you can judge for yourselves.

Kojima did say that he just wanted to make “a simple touch-screen shooting game. This game really is nothing more than an entrance for us. I’d like people unfamiliar with MGS to play it.” So let’s be fair about this. It’s not up to snuff for a Metal Gear game, but for an introductory casual game on a mobile phone, it looks… ok? I guess? Sure.

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