Metroid Life v0.03 – from pause screen to edit screen

Metroids playing the Game of Life - Image 1Ever wish you could do a little editing whenever you pause a game? Well, you can now do with Metroid Life v0.03. Dragula96 has tweaked the Metroid-flavored Game of Life again since its last release, so much so that you’ll never quite look at the pause screen the same way again. More details to follow after the jump.

Download: Metroid Life v0.03
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums

The Metroid Life edit screen - Image 1 

Ever since Metroid Life made its debut on the Sony PSP a few days ago, homebrew developer dragula96 has been busy tweaking the program since its previous release. In fact, Metroid Life v0.03 is out, and it’s something new for those who have a penchant for changing things.

You see, dragula96 basically turned the Metroid Life pause screen into an edit screen, as you can see in the picture above. Press start at any time during the game and crosshairs will appear, which players may then maneuver by using the PSP’s d-pad. Furthermore, pressing the X button will toggle the current Metroid on and off and pressing the triangle button will clear the grid. If you want to resume the program in its current edited state, just press start again.

If this is your first time to play a Game of Life-type program, then you may want to read dragula96’s explanation and instructions first. Simply click on the forum link below.

Download: Metroid Life v0.03
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums

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