Metroid Prime 3: Phazon Enhancement Device, Air Assault videos

More Metroid Prime 3: Corruption goodness comes in today, by way of two new videos we’ve picked up for your viewing pleasure. The first video will be a quick rundown on Phazon – a recurring element in the Metroid universe.

For the unfamiliar, Phazon is a mutagenic substance often used by the Space Pirates – a recurring villain in Metroid – as a means of enhancing their own combat capabilities. This trailer features Phazon being used by a friendly Marine battalion for test purposes, although a cutscene indicates that some of the troopers are beginning to succumb to the element’s notoriously corrupting effects (hence Metroid Prime 3‘s subtitle).

The second video throws us into a more traditional gun battle, with a first-person view of Samus exacting extreme prejudice on one enemy after another as they drop in from the air. Keep an eye out in the later part of the vid, and what appears to be a Phazon enhancement power-up, like the ones used by the marines.

Metroid 3’s Air Assault video is available in the Full Article

More Metroid Prime 3: Corruption goodness comes in today, by way of two new videos we’ve picked up for your viewing pleasure. The first video will be a quick rundown on Phazon – a recurring element in the Metroid universe.

For the unfamiliar, Phazon is a mutagenic substance often used by the Space Pirates – a recurring villain in Metroid – as a means of enhancing their own combat capabilities. This trailer features Phazon being used by a friendly Marine battalion for test purposes, although a cutscene indicates that some of the troopers are beginning to succumb to the element’s notoriously corrupting effects (hence Metroid Prime 3‘s subtitle).

The second video throws us into a more traditional gun battle, with a first-person view of Samus exacting extreme prejudice on one enemy after another as they drop in from the air. Keep an eye out in the later part of the vid, and what appears to be a Phazon enhancement power-up, like the ones used by the marines.

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