HomeXbox 360NewsMicrosoft Stays Flexible – Blue-Ray Drive A Possibility
Microsoft Stays Flexible – Blue-Ray Drive A Possibility
January 10, 2006
Mcirosofts Xbox Corporate VP, Peter Moore, chatted with Japanese website ITMedia recently about the HD-DVD drive that has been announced for the Xbox 360. It is well known that Microsoft is backing HD-DVD as its format of choice, even, reportedly, offering cash incentives to PC makers to adopt Microsofts chosen format.
Even backing HD-DVD, however, Microsoft is remaining flexible and Peter Moore has stated that a Blue-Ray drive is an option for the Xbox 360 if the need arises. Moore admits that Microsoft is unsure of the final outcome of the format war, worst case being a repeat of the Beta vs. VHS war of the 80Â’s. The Xbox 360, being an external drive, can adopt the dominant format, whereas the PS3 will be stuck using only blue-ray (although there is no reason the PS3 could not use its USB ports for an external drive)
Mcirosofts Xbox Corporate VP, Peter Moore, chatted with Japanese website ITMedia recently about the HD-DVD drive that has been announced for the Xbox 360. It is well known that Microsoft is backing HD-DVD as its format of choice, even, reportedly, offering cash incentives to PC makers to adopt Microsofts chosen format.
Even backing HD-DVD, however, Microsoft is remaining flexible and Peter Moore has stated that a Blue-Ray drive is an option for the Xbox 360 if the need arises. Moore admits that Microsoft is unsure of the final outcome of the format war, worst case being a repeat of the Beta vs. VHS war of the 80Â’s. The Xbox 360, being an external drive, can adopt the dominant format, whereas the PS3 will be stuck using only blue-ray (although there is no reason the PS3 could not use its USB ports for an external drive)